White Both Sides Cloud Pendants

- +
Cloud -S

Technical Specification

The light comes as an assembly kit. So it needs to be assembled by customers.

Cloud lights were first launched in 2008 as part of the Spiral Islands installation of matching lights and settees. This was inspired by the clouds that David saw sitting over small islands all over the Pacific Ocean, which were used by Polynesian navigators to find islands from afar. The Cloud lights were made with frosted plastic but were later discontinued due to the negative environmental impact of the material. Cloud has now been given a second chance through a new material. The new version is made almost entirely of bamboo plywood applied in the same strips or rings. This allows light to shine through while offering a similar visual lightness as the former translucent plastic version.

Bulb and ceiling rose as these are not included.

Width: 1250mm (49”)
Length: 1250mm (49”)
Height: 450mm (18”

Length: 1717mm (68”)
Width: 987mm (39”)
Height: 475mm (19”)

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