Blue Tui Pendants by David Trubridge

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Technical Specification

The light comes as an assembly kit. So it needs to be assembled by customers.
Click HERE to see the guidance video.

Tūī are the real characters of Aotearoa’s native bush. They hurtle through the bush with drumming wing-beats, miraculously avoiding branches whilst maintaining their cool charm. Their song is like no other: a series of clicks, gurgles and resonant, bell-like notes...some off our hearing scale! They have two dangling white wattles on their throats and around their shoulders is a necklace of interwoven rings which is the inspiration of our Tūī light. Half rings of bamboo are woven into a basket form that would sit perfectly over a dining table, kitchen counter or equally hanging in a stairwell or entrance void.

Max 60w E27 Lamp – LED recommended
Bulb and ceiling rose as these are not included.

- Small -
Width: 400mm (16”)
Height: 500mm (20”)
Depth: 400mm (16”)
Weight: 520g (1.15lb)

- Medium -
Width: 540mm (21”)
Height: 680mm (27”)
Depth: 540mm (21”)
Weight: 700g (1.5lb)

- Large -
Width: 760mm (30”)
Height: 950mm (37”)
Depth: 760mm (30”)
Weight: 2.4kg (5.3lb)

Small -
395mm x 395mm x 45mm (16” x 16” x 2”)
Volume: 0.007m3 (0.25ft3)
Weight: 2.5kg (5.5lb)

Medium -
485mm x 485mm x 45mm (19” x 19” x 2”)
Volume: 0.010m3 (0.36ft3)
Weight: 3.5kg (7.7lb)

- Large -
585mm x 180mm x 200mm (23” x 7” x 8”)
Volume: 0.021m3 (0.74ft3)
Weight: 3.5kg (7.7lb)

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