Aqua Maru Pendants

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Technical Specification

The light comes as an assembly kit. So it needs to be assembled by customers.
Click HERE to see the guidance video.

The swirling panels of sustainably managed bamboo plywood are arrayed around its form, lit internally by low energy LED modules. The effect of shadow play on surrounding walls and ceiling is Maru's hidden quality. The circular form is inspired by diatoms which are at the base of the entire oceanic food chain. The name Maru is found in both New Zealand Maori and Japanese languages, with references to the cycle of life.

Bulb and ceiling rose as these are not included.

Width: 1100mm (43”)
Height: 200mm (8”)
Depth: 1100mm (43”)
Weight: 3.4kg (7.5lb)

Width: 1400mm (55”)
Height: 250mm (10”)
Depth: 1400mm (55”)
Weight: 4.9kg (10.8lb)

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