Bamboo Flax Pendants

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Technical Specification

The light comes as an assembly kit. So it needs to be assembled by customers.
Click HERE to see the guidance video.

Flax Pendant is based on the long slender leaves of the indigenous flax plant or harakeke in Maori that has long been grown for its valuable fiber. There is a Maori proverb about preserving important resources: If you cut the central stalk of the flax bush, where will the bellbird feed?

Bulb and ceiling rose as these are not included.


800mm (31")
Width: 800 mm (31”)
Height: 220 mm (9”)
Depth: 800 mm (31”)
Weight: 1.5 kg (3.3 lb)

1500mm (59")
Width: 1500 mm (59”)
Height: 325 mm (13”)
Depth: 1500 mm (59”)
Weight: 7 kg (15.4 lb)

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